Privacy Policy

General information on personal data protection The right to privacy is one of the most important human rights. At DEKMAN, we are aware of the importance of personal data protection, so we handle your data in accordance with the law. DEKMAN, as the controller of personal data, enables individuals to be informed of all relevant information relating to their personal data. The company DEKMANdoo, Tiranova ulica 38, 1000 DEKMAN, VAT ID: SI61647420, registration number: 5898846000, is responsible for the protection of personal data. DEKMAN obtains personal data of individuals from various sources. In most cases, they are provided directly to us by customers who opt for our services via an online order or in writing. DEKMAN stores and protects personal data in such a way that there is no possible unjustified disclosure of data to unauthorized persons. At DEKMAN, we undertake not to provide, lend or sell personal data to a third party without prior notice and obtaining your consent or without appropriate appropriate safeguards, and to process personal data only within the legal basis and selected purposes. DEKMAN does not transfer or collect personal data. does not forward to third countries. Person responsible for data protection The person responsible for data protection can be reached at the e-mail address . What types of personal data we collect and process As part of our activity in the company DEKMAN, we collect and process the following types of personal data: name and surname, date of birth, contact information (address, e-mail address, telephone number), information for logging in to online services (username, password), web cookies , data on social networks and data on channels and applications used by the individual. DEKMAN keeps records of personal data processing activities, within which the types of personal data and the purposes of their processing are evident. Legal bases of personal data processing and purposes of processing 1. Processing of personal data for the purposes of providing services DEKMAN processes the collected personal data of individuals for the purposes of providing services and for monitoring customer satisfaction (including complaints) and managing contacts with the individual through various channels. 2. Processing of personal data with the consent of the client The processing of personal data may also be based on the specific consent of the individual, which allows DEKMAN to use his personal data for the purposes specified in the consent, namely: receiving general news about news, benefits, offers, invitations to events, invitations to participate in prize games and invitations to participate in surveys and research; receiving customized offers of our products and services and other novelties, benefits, invitations to events, invitations to participate in prize games and invitations to services, namely for the implementation of segmentation; receiving personalized offers, namely DEKMAN will form your personality profile based on an individual analysis of shopping habits, past purchases, your interests and personal characteristics (especially analysis and evaluation, opening of electronic ads, clicks on offered links, images) and surveys. design a service offer for you accordingly, for order processing purposes. In the event that an individual does not give consent for the implementation of the above purposes of personal data processing, gives it in part or revokes the consent (in part), DEKMAN will inform such individual only in cases and to the extent of consent or in ways permitted by applicable law ( eg general information, fulfillment of obligations regarding information about the product or service used by the customer). The provision of services is not subject to consent. Giving consent is voluntary and if the individual decides not to give it or. revokes it later, this in no way reduces the rights arising from the business relationship or. for an individual this does not represent additional costs or aggravating circumstances. DEKMAN may also transfer the data of individuals, if they have given their consent for the purposes specified in the consent, to other companies of the DEKMAN Group. Revocation of individual consent Consent is given for the purposes specified in the consent and is valid until revoked. When an individual partially or completely revokes his or her consent, DEKMAN will no longer use his or her data for the purposes specified in the revocation. If an individual wishes to revoke consent, he or she may do so by sending the revocation to DEKMAN via the e- mail address , via the web profile or in writing to the address DEKMAN doo, šolska ulica 1, 8250 Bre�ice . Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing of personal data on the basis of consent prior to its withdrawal. Individuals can always "unsubscribe" from receiving individual messages from DEKMAN and authorized partners also through the communication medium to which they received a particular message. Link to unsubscribe or. information on how to unsubscribe is given in the message. An individual's request for cancellation will be recorded in the system and will be enforced immediately or no later than 15 days after receipt. Categories of users of personal data Users of personal data are DEKMAN employees, authorized partners and contractual processors who are obliged to respect and protect the personal data of individuals on the basis of labor law, personal data processing contracts or confidential data protection contracts. More detailed information on user categories, contractual partners and contractual processors can be obtained on request from . Users access the data in accordance with the assigned data access rights. DEKMAN also provides personal data to third parties if such an obligation to provide or disclose is imposed by law (for example, the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia, courts, the police, etc.). Retention of personal data The period of retention of personal data depends on the basis of processing and the purpose of processing each category of personal data. Personal data shall only be kept for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they were collected or further processed. Personal data shall be deleted, destroyed, blocked or anonymised after the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled, unless there is no other legal basis or if this is necessary for the assertion, implementation or defense of legal claims. Customer rights DEKMAN provides individuals whose personal data it processes with the opportunity to exercise their rights, namely: the right of access to personal data collected in connection with it; the right of rectification for DEKMAN to correct inaccurate personal data concerning him without undue delay; the right of erasure for DEKMAN to delete personal data concerning him without undue delay when one of the following reasons applies: (1) personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed, (2) the individual revokes consent on the basis of which the processing takes place and where there is no other legal basis for the processing, (3) the individual objects to the processing and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing, (4) personal data have been processed unlawfully, (5) if so determined by law; the right to restrict processing when one of the following cases applies: (1) the individual disputes the accuracy of the data for a period that allows DEKMAN to verify the accuracy of personal data, (2) the processing is illegal and the individual opposes the deletion of personal data and instead requests a restriction their use, (3) Adding the name of the company no longer requires personal data for processing purposes, but the individual needs them to assert, enforce or defend legal claims, (4) the individual has filed an objection to the processing of data until it is verified that the legitimate reasons of the controller prevail over the reasons of the individual. Where the processing of personal data has been restricted in accordance with the preceding paragraph, such personal data, with the exception of their storage, shall be processed only with the consent of the data subject, or to assert, enforce or defend legal claims or to protect the rights of another natural or legal person. DEKMAN must inform the individual before lifting the processing restriction. An individual may submit a request in a manner that enables his / her identification, namely by an oral request to the minutes in the branch office, a written request or a request submitted via e-mail. The requests received are processed by the person responsible for data protection. DEKMAN is obliged to respond to an individual's request without undue delay or within one month at the latest. DEKMAN must provide the requested information to the individual free of charge. However, where an individual's requests are manifestly unfounded or excessive, in particular because they are repetitive, DEKMAN may (1) charge a reasonable fee, taking into account the administrative costs of providing information or communication or implementing the requested action; Objection in case of incomplete decision of the operator and the right to file an appeal with the supervisory body If an individual considers that the personal data received on the basis of a request to exercise his rights from the previous point of this General Information are not the personal data requested or that he has not received all the requested personal data, he may file a complaint with DEKMAN. reasoned objection within 15 days. DEKMAN is obliged to decide on the objection within 5 working days. The individual may lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority against the silence of the manager (if the DEKMAN does not respond to the individual's request for the exercise of rights within 1 month). An appeal is possible against the refusal of the operator, for the resolution of which the supervisory body is competent. An individual may lodge a complaint with the controller within 15 days of receiving the controller's response. Use of the website During the use of the website, special conditions and cookies apply. You can find them on / legal-notice . Another DEKMAN reserves the right to amend or supplement this General Information to ensure compliance with regulations in the field of personal data protection. Information is available on our website. On request, you can also obtain more detailed information from the person responsible for data protection at the e-mail address . Ljubljana, December 2019