Legal Notice

For the purposes of this legal notice, the term website covers all websites managed by DEKMAN and all content presented within these websites, unless otherwise specified. By visiting and using the Website without reservation or limitation, you agree to the terms of use of the Websites and Content as set forth below, or any additional terms of use set forth with the individual Content, and agree to abide by them. The terms of use of the website are subject to change at any time without prior notice, so we encourage you to read the terms of use each time you visit this website. You can also change all or any of the content on the site. Limitation of Liability The information and materials on the website are of an informative nature and in no form can and do not constitute any sales offer and are not legally binding. DEKMAN will endeavor to ensure the accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the information provided, but does not assume any responsibility for its accuracy, timeliness and completeness. DEKMAN also does not assume any responsibility for any non-functioning of the website or for the impossibility of using individual information. This also applies to any prices of products or services, which may be for information purposes only and do not constitute an offer from DEKMAN. DEKMAN will endeavor to ensure the smooth operation of the website and reserves the right to change the website at any time and without prior notice. DEKMAN is not liable for ordinary damages or lost profits or non-pecuniary damage, Restricting the use of information and materials The user may use the content on the website exclusively for his personal use, in unaltered form. Uploading and printing information and materials for viewing and reading for non-commercial purposes is permitted. Any other use of the content of the website (for example, copying, reproduction, republishing, modification, distribution, translation, electronic processing) for commercial purposes is prohibited without the prior written permission of DEKMAN. Data protection Any information that DEKMAN obtains in any way through the website is intended exclusively for DEKMAN's own needs. In the case of collecting personal data, the user is warned in each individual case and the purpose of data collection is also stated. All such personal data is protected by DEKMAN in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and the General Regulation on Personal Data Protection. Web cookie management policy The use of cookies and similar technologies for storing data or gaining access to information stored on the computer or mobile device of the subscriber or user is regulated by the Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette No. 109/2012; hereinafter ZEKom-1). These are only permitted provided that the subscriber or user has consented to this after being clearly and comprehensively informed in advance of the controller and the purposes of the processing of this data. This policy informs the users of the website about which cookies are stored on the website, about the controller and the purpose of data processing. The user of the DEKMAN website gives his consent for DEKMAN to store the cookies obtained within the website and which are defined in more detail below, as well as the data What are cookies Cookies are text files that contain small amounts of information that are downloaded to a user's computer when they visit a particular website. The browser saves this information on your computer and sends it back to the site each time you visit the site. Use of cookies The website uses cookies to identify visitors. The information collected through cookies helps to understand the visitors of the website and their control over it. All data is anonymous, and with its help it is possible to analyze the traffic on the website. In addition, the interaction between the web user and the website with the help of cookies is faster and easier. With their help, the website remembers the individual's preferences and experiences. This saves time and makes browsing the web more efficient and enjoyable. Types of cookies Cookies can be divided into one of the following categories: essential cookies, cookies to improve use, social media cookies. We use cookies on the DEKMAN website, which are important for the operation of the website. On the website, users do not collect personal data that the user would actively fill in or. mediated. Cookies do not in themselves identify an individual user, but the computer that was used for access. Cookies to improve the performance of the website are intended to record the history of browsing and use of the website and analytics. These groups of cookies are not intended to collect personal data about users. Some websites have the ability to easily share content on the user�s favorite social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+. Presence of cookies The storage time of cookies depends on whether they are "session" cookies or "permanent" cookies. "Session" cookies remain stored until the end of each online session. "Permanent" cookies remain stored until its expiration or. until their erasure occurs. Own cookies and third party cookies Own cookies are those types of cookies that belong to the DEKMAN company and are stored on our own equipment. Third-party cookies are cookies that third parties place on your browser via a website not controlled by DEKMAN. Cookie management You can use a web browser to enable, disable or delete cookies. Follow the instructions of the web browser you are using to use the listed functionalities. If you disable cookies in the browser you are using, the DEKMAN  websites may not work properly. You can delete the received cookies at any time using the tools of your browser. We use cookies exclusively for the purpose of optimizing the website and adapting it to your wishes. Cookies used by the DEKMAN website The table below lists the cookies that are most commonly used on the DEKMAN website. The table also contains details about third-party cookies that are installed via the DEKMAN website. The table and details of the cookies used will be supplemented in the event of changes. The name of the cookie Group Own or third party cookies Permanent or meeting Purpose of use 5921ca88a9f69000e2d3feb10736aeb6 cookies for the proper flow of requests and information own sejni website system cookie ja_t3_blank_tpl cookies to customize settings to user preferences own permanent a cookie to display a real graphic template cookiesDisclosureCount cookies to customize settings to user preferences own permanent cookie notification cookie cookiesDirective cookies to customize settings to user preferences own permanent cookie notification cookie __utma cookies for the purpose of analyzing traffic third permanent anonymous site visit statistics __utmb cookies for the purpose of analyzing traffic third permanent anonymous site visit statistics __utmc cookies for the purpose of analyzing traffic third sejni anonymous site visit statistics __utmz cookies for the purpose of analyzing traffic third permanent anonymous site visit statistics Turn off cookies in your browser Web cookies are files that websites store on your computer to make your user experience better, friendlier, and easier. If you still want to delete cookies, follow these guidelines. Temporarily turn off web cookies The quickest and easiest way to prevent web cookies from being stored on all web browsers is to use a so-called "private window". Private browsing allows us to visit the web without the web browser storing any information about the pages we have visited. Internet Explorer Internet Explorer provides Internet browsing without leaving a trace through a functionality called "InPrivate". In the browser, first press the "Alt" key. A menu bar appears, and on the Tools menu, click InPrivate Browsing or press Ctrl + Shift + P. Google Chrome Use the "New window without logging" feature. You can also turn on a new window by pressing "Ctrl + Shift + N". Mozilla Firefox Use the "Enable private browsing" feature. First, press the "Alt" key. This displays a menu bar, then on the Tools menu, click Enable Private Browsing, or press Ctrl + Shift + P. Apple Safari Click on "Settings" and select "Private browsing". Pressing the "OK" button will display the label "Private" on the right in the address bar. Opera Click on the web browser logo in the upper left corner. Find "Tab and Windows" there and select "New private Window" or press "Ctrl + Shift + N". Permanent deletion of web cookies Web browsers also allow you to permanently turn off web cookies. This will lose your personal settings, login status, online shopping information� Pages will work incompletely and incorrectly, and websites will load more slowly. Internet Explorer To turn off cookies, click on the "Tools" button and select the "Privacy" tab. Then click on the "Advanced" button and check the option to disable automatic cookie management and set both values ??to "Block". Confirm your selection by clicking the "OK" button. You can delete already saved cookies by clicking on "Tools", "Delete" button and "Delete". Google Chrome Click the Chrome menu icon, select "Settings," click "Show advanced settings" at the bottom of the page, and select "Content Settings" in the "Privacy" section. Select the "Block cookies and data from other websites" option and click the "Done" button. To delete cookies that have already been saved, click on the Chrome menu icon, then select "Settings", click "Show advanced settings" and select "Delete browsing history" in the "Privacy" section. Mozilla Firefox Click on "Firefox" (top right), select "Options" and click on the "Privacy" tab. Then, in the "History" section of the "Firefox should" window, select "Use special history settings" and check the "Allow pages to create cookies" option. If necessary, you can also turn on the "Always use private browsing" option. To delete already stored cookies, click on "Firefox" (top right), select "Options" and click on the "Privacy" tab. Then, in the "History" section of the "Firefox should:" window, select "Use special settings for history," "Show cookies," and "Remove all cookies." Apple Safari Click on "Safari", select "Preferences" and find "Privacy". In the "Block cookies" section, enable the option and confirm by clicking the "OK" button. To delete saved cookies, click on "Safari", select "Preferences" and find "Privacy". Then select all the websites and click on the "Remove All" button. Opera Click on the web browser logo (top left corner, find "Settings" and select "Preferences"). Then find "Cookies" in the "Advanced" tab and check "Never accept cookies". Confirm by clicking the "OK" button. You can delete saved cookies by clicking on the web browser logo in the upper left corner, find "Settings" and select "Preferences". Then, on the Advanced tab, find the Cookies tab and Delete all cookies. Remember that web cookies are files that websites store on your computer to make your user experience better, friendlier, faster and easier. Final Provisions Slovenian legislation shall apply to any disputes arising from the use of the website. The court in Kr�ko is competent for resolving possible disputes. For all questions regarding this legal notice, please contact . Ljubljana, December 2019