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The nine-month Geoinformatics diploma course with GSSM, Accra, Ghana


The nine-month Geoinformatics diploma course with Ghana School of Surveying Mapping, Accra, Ghana is designed for professionals at technologist level in geo-information production organizations and application services like food production, health and water management, whose prime concern it is to execute the daily operational tasks related to the analysis, processing and dissemination of geographic data (including the coordination of digital production processes, implementation of work procedures and the supervision of groups of operators).


The coursework emphasises on concepts and processes that are used for the production, storage, analysis, visualization and dissemination of spatial data and geo-information. The course focuses on the application of digital geo-information production methods and the use of tools in data acquisition, processing, analysis, management and storage, and the visualization/dissemination of spatial information by means of (analogue and digital) maps including inter-active and web(server) based maps.


The diploma programme consists of three distinct blocks.



Core: Basic elements of geo-information production

Introduction to technical aspects of spatial data acquisition, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Cartography and Geo-visualization.

GIS and Geo-Visualization

Build and manage spatial databases and perform spatial analysis. Modelling and cartographic visualization techniques are applied to create applications and maps. Special attention is given to maps for interactive web applications.

Integrated group project

A small multidisciplinary team works on a realistic geo-information production case.

Final assignment

In this graduation assignment the student has to demonstrate his/her abilities and skills in applying the tools, methods and techniques addressed throughout the course in an individual geo-information production oriented application.


Graduates of the diploma course will be able to work in operational and technical functions related to geoinformatics. This includes functions such as survey officer, GIS specialist, GIS analyst, spatial database expert, cartographic expert, remote sensing specialist in for example governmental organizations, private sector firms and local authorities


Geographical and earth sciences are relying increasingly on digital spatial data, much of which is acquired from remotely sensed images, analyzed in GIS, and visualized on computer screens. You will be trained in the modern tools, hardware and software that are used to create and disseminate digital spatial data and information on the world for many applications. Special attention will be given to application fields like infrastructure, water management, health, and food production.


Upon successful completion of this programme you will receive a (Technologist) Diploma in Geo-information Science and Earth Observation – Geoinformatics from the Ghana School of Surveying and Mapping in collaboration with the University of Twente.

Along with your Diploma you will receive a Course Record providing all the subjects studied as part of the course. It states for each module: the module code, number, subject, exam date, location and the mark awarded.


Academic level and background

Applicants for the Diploma course in Geoinformatics should have completed their secondary education in a discipline related to the course specialization and have at least three years of relevant practical experience.


The faculty accepts transcripts, degrees and diplomas in the following languages: Dutch, English, German, French and Spanish. It is at the discretion of the faculty to require additional English translations of all documents in other languages as well.

English language

As all courses are given in English, proficiency in the English language is a prerequisite.

If you are a national of one of the countries in this list (PDF), you are exempted from an English language test.

Please note: the requirements when applying for fellowships may vary according to the regulations of the fellowship provider.

English language tests: minimum requirements